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TR: "Sosyal Bilimler için R'a Giriş" kitabında kullanılan bütün veriler buradadır.
EN: Datasets used in "An R Companion: A Compact Introduction for Social Scientists" are here .
R’s popularity has been increasing on a daily basis.It is reported that every 1 in 100 scholarly articles indexed in Elsevier’s Scopus database cited R or one of its packages in 2014 (Tippmann 2015). This was in 2014, by the end of 2014 there were 2925 R packages available via Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), but by the end of 2016 there are more than 10000 packages.
SARP: Social Sciences R Platform (S-aR-P), in Turkish, SARP means 'not easy', there is also a 'SARP border gate'.
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